Nursing care of foot amputations in Diabetic Patients and underlying Diseases in Outpatient department at Maharaj Nakhon Si Thammarat Hospital : Two comparative case Studies


  • Supit Pradoo Maharaj Nakhon Si Thammarat Hospital


Diabetic patients, Nursing care of foot amputations in Diabetic Patients and underlying Diseases


This Nursing care of foot amputations in Diabetic Patients and underlying Diseases in Outpatient department at Maharaj Nakhon Si Thammarat Hospital: Two comparative case.  Studies Objective: To study nursing care of diabetic patients with foot wounds, 2 case studies. Method: This is a descriptive case study of nursing care of two diabetic patients with foot wounds treated in Outpatient department at Maharat Nakhon Si Thammarat Hospital by studying patient history from patient medical records and patient history. Observe the relative symptoms of symptoms that can be analyzed by comparing data from nursing according to the concept of the health model of Gordon's health model concept from pathology and showing medical treatment for foot wounds in hospitals, diabetes, problems and nursing diagnoses, including whether it is normal.Results of the study : Case study 1: Thai woman, 57 years old, marital status, Housewife, diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure. BP = 130/ 80 mmHg. After cutting her nail, it hit the skin on the left 4th toe. The scar was black with pus. The doctor gave me an amputated 4th toe of my left foot. Then after discharge the doctor made an appointment to wash the wound every day. Blood sugar levels are not normal. FBS is in the range 170 - 280 mg/dl HbA1c = 8.5 The doctor increases the medication glipizide 1tab oral ac to glipizide 1tab oral bid ac. Blood sugar levels after adjusting the medication are in the range 170- 210 mg/dl. The patient understands the condition of the diabetic toe surgery wound according to the perception from the doctor and nurse who recommends that the wound be dressed every day continuously. The wound healed well within 1 week after surgery.Case study 2 : Thai woman, 68 years old, marital status, Housewife, diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure, BP = 140/ 90 mmHg, came to see the doctor with an inflamed wound, yellowish discharge with an odor. On the right big toe area slight wound pain. Doctors had my right toe amputated. to control infection Received treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs for 3 days. The wound is fine, no swelling or redness. There is sometimes numbness in the feet. Discharged to take home an appointment for the patient to receive nursing care for treatment of the right toe surgery wound. Continuously, the wound healed within 1 week.Conclusion : Both case studies of diabetic patients were conducted with age and economic background and wounds that were a direct result of different locations. Giving nurses control over sugar levels is the same. and continue to provide good nursing care for the wound Both steps are performed continuously to relieve the patient of the need to suffer more to return to a normal, happy life.


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How to Cite

ประดู่ ส. . . (2024). Nursing care of foot amputations in Diabetic Patients and underlying Diseases in Outpatient department at Maharaj Nakhon Si Thammarat Hospital : Two comparative case Studies. Primary Health Care Journal (Southern Regional), 38(3), 42–53. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)