Nursing care of cataract surgery patients : Two case studies
nursing, cataract, nursing for cataract surgery patientsAbstract
Cataracts are the number one cause of blindness in the world. and is most commonly caused by cataracts which can be completely cured If you receive proper screening and medical treatment. The purpose of this study was to study the nursing outcomes of cataract surgery patients with diabetes and high blood pressure. Compare 2 cases in the female surgery ward. Ranong Hospital. Data collection was from nursing records. Form for reviewing inpatient medical records and history taking from relatives Data analysis by comparative analysis, health patterns, pathology, signs and symptoms Treatment and nursing diagnosis are divided into 3 phases: preoperative nursing; Postoperative period and distribution planning period from January 2024 to February 2024. Results of the study: It was found that the problems of patients were the same :
1) anxiety about surgery 2) risk of being unprepared for surgery 3) risk of accidents, falls, walking and hitting objects due to low vision. 4) Eye pain due to surgical wounds 5) Risk of infection inside the eye 6) Risk of Hyperglycemia, Hypoglycemia 7) Patients and caregivers lack the skills to take care of themselves when they return home. For different problems and needs, Case 1 is 1) at risk of infection because the surgery takes 40 minutes. After opening the eyes, there is a slight redness of the conjunctiva, requiring use of eye drops. As for Case 2, there is no problem, it takes time. During the surgery for 20 minutes after opening the eyes, no abnormal symptoms were found. Summary of the results of this study found that Cataract surgery patients have different complications and causes. Therefore, nurses need to have competency in assessment. Diagnosis of risk conditions from the beginning Collaborate with a multidisciplinary team to resolve complications correctly and appropriately, along with using evidence-based nursing practices. To provide effective nursing care for cataract surgery patients.
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