Microbial Quality, pH value and Labeling of Drinking Water in Sealed Containers that Available in Department Stores in Muang District, Chaiyaphum Province


  • Chalee Phumtan Consumer Protection and Pharmaceutical Department, Chaiyaphum Provincial Public Health Office


Drinking water in sealed containers, Microbial contamination, pH value of drinking water, Water quality and Labeling of bottled water


Objective: The objective of this research was to explore the microbial quality, pH value and labeling of drinking water in sealed containers that available in department stores in Muang district, Chaiyaphum province

Method: This research was a cross sectional survey study. The samples were collected through 3 samples of 600 ml of water in 10 brands, total 30 samples from 4 department stores that Siam Makro, Lotus, Big C and Robinson for assessment of microbial quality, pH value and labeling. Research instruments used in this study were a water and ice coliform bacteria test kit, pH meter and an inspection record form. The data were analyzed through descriptive statistics.

Result: The results of evaluation of microbial water quality using a water and ice coliform bacteria test kit showed that 30 samples of drinking water passed the microbial quality standard (100 %). All pH values ​​of 30 samples were within the standard (100 %); average 7.3, minimum 6.8 and maximum 8.5. The labeling of drinking water in sealed containers for 10 brands, it was found that all brands have complied with the minimum requirements.

Conclude: Drinking water in sealed containers that available in department stores in Muang district, Chaiyaphum province has 2 groups: popular brands and products of department stores, both of which have microbial quality and pH value pass standards and have correct labeling complete in accordance with the requirements.


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2021-07-19 — Updated on 2021-08-13




Original Article