The Outcome of Diabetic Patients care During the Prevention of Covid-19 Pandemic Situation at Mueang Chaiyaphum Primary Care Unit, 2020.


  • Pranee Chailak Mueang Chaiyaphum Primary Care Unit , Chaiyaphum hospital
  • Arunrat Sunongbua Social medicine department , Chaiyaphum hospital


Diabetes mellitus, Home drug delivery, COVID-19


Home drug delivery was the project of chronic disease service among the pandemic situation of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) to reduce overcrowding of patients and prevention of COVID-19, according policy “Stay at home stop germs for the nation” for voluntary DM patients at Mueang Chaiyaphum Primary Care Unit, start drug delivery from 1st March 2020, DM patients received home drug 1-2 appointment (3-6 months).

Objective : To study the outcome of diabetic patients care during the prevention of Covid-19 pandemic situation at Mueang Chaiyaphum primary care Unit and compared the outcome among DM patients whom continuously doctor visit group and home drug delivery group in 2020.

Methods : This analytical study was to record data about HbA1c, FBS, LDL of annual laboratory examination from HOSxP program database of Chaiyaphum hospital in 2019 and 2020. The sample sizes were 384 DM patients whom continuously doctor visit group (192 cases) and home drug delivery group (192 cases) who had lab examination in 2019 and 2020 by purposive sampling. Data analyzed by descriptive statistical and analytical statistics by paired t-test and independent t-test at p-value<0.05.

Results : 66.9 % were females, means of age were 61.7 ± 10.2 years, 57.3% were more than 60 years old. In 2019 and 2020; means of HbA1C were 7.96 ± 1.59 and 7.92 ± 1.58, FBS 167.2± 51.6 and 163.8± 48.1 respectively, which not significant difference (p-value.590, .184), LDL were 97.0± 33.4 and 105.2±31.8 which significant difference (p-value<0.001) and BMI were 26.2±4.5 and 26.1± 4.6 which not significant difference (p-value=.397)

The outcome of DM control by compared means among DM patients whom continuously doctor visit group and  home drug delivery group, in 2020 showed that; means of HbA1C were 7.83±1.70 and 8.11±1.58, FBS 163.9±52.2 and 163.6±43.6 respectively,which not significant difference (p-value .286, .948), LDL were 108.4±32.1 and 101.8±31.3 which significant difference (p-value .045)

Conclusion : The outcome of diabetic patients care during the prevention of Covid-19 pandemic situation at Mueang Chaiyaphum primary care Unit in DM patients whom continuously doctor visit group and home drug delivery group, in 2020 were not difference. So; Home drug delivery was appropriate for alternative to service of chronic disease among COVID-19 situation.


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2021-07-19 — Updated on 2021-08-13




Original Article