The Development Quality Assessment Model for Tambon Health Promoting Hospital, Chaiyaphum Province


  • Nantaporn Onchai Chaiyaphum Provincial Health Office
  • Supawit​ Boonkhan Chaiyaphum Provincial Health Office


Model, Quality Assessment, Tambon Health Promoting Hospital


This research was evaluation research using mixed research both quantitative and qualitative research. The objective of this study 1) develop quality assessment model for Tambon Health Promoting Hospital, Chaiyaphum Province 2) assess suitability of model and 3) measure level satisfaction of model. The research is divided into 2 phases, population and sample groups according to research phase as follows, the first phase was to create and develop a quality assessment model for Tambon Health Promoting Hospital by purposive sample  key performance persons is experts and professional 12 person for comment model and purposive sample  key performance persons 5 person for assess suitability of model, the second phase was to satisfaction assessment of quality assessment model for Tambon Health Promoting Hospital, Chaiyaphum Province  2 group 1) population is quality assessor groups of Tambon Health Promoting Hospital 160 person, random simple 25 percent from  population of quality assessment groups total 40 person, collect data by asking. 2) Population of assessment receiver group is director of Tambon Health Promoting Hospital, Chaiyaphum Province 167 person, random simple by lottery 25 percent. Research tools include 1) interview opinion form for create and develop a quality assessment model 2) questionnaire for assess suitability of model 3) questionnaire for measure level satisfaction of model. The quality data is analysis from content, quantitative data is analysis from statistic mean and standard deviation.

The results of the research where found as follows 1)The quality assessment  model for Tambon Health Promoting Hospital, Chaiyaphum Province consisted to 5 step, step 1 assessment plan, step 2 self assessment, step 3 visit for empowerment, step 4 assess and quality assurance, step 5 summary of quality assessment for Tambon Health Promoting Hospital. 2) The evaluation model results found assess suitability of model is very good level (X = 4.57, S.D. = 0.22), Satisfaction level for model of assessor and assessment receiver is highest level (X = 4.61, S.D. = 0.18 and (X = 4.54, S.D.= 0.23 ). Satisfaction overview level for model is highest level (X = 4.57, S.D. = 0.22).


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