Rational Drug Use Evaluation of Antibiotic in Fresh trauma wound in Chaiwan Hospital, Udonthani.
Rational Drug Use, Fresh traumatic woundAbstract
Background: The Ministry of Public Health requires “Use of antibiotics in fresh traumatic wounds” is one of the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of the Service plan in the field of Rational Drug Use (RDU) with the goal is the rate of antibiotic use is not more than 40 percent. Chaiwan Hospital has adopted the policy according to the RDU service plan to reduce the excessive antibiotic.
Objective: (1) To evaluate antibiotic use in patients with fresh traumatic wounds. (2) To determine the prevalence of antibiotic use in patients with fresh traumatic wounds. (3) To determine the factors related to the prescribing of antibiotics in patients with fresh tramatic wounds.
Methods: This study was a retrospective descriptive research. The population and sampling were patients with fresh wounds from accidents during February 1 - April 30, 2021 were 598 and 229, respectively.
Results: The total 229 patients, most of them were male, 58.95%, average age of 35.76 ± 23.13 years and without co-morbidity (84.72%). The most common wound sites were on the leg 24.0%, The most of them were group 3, wounds contaminated and should be given antibiotics. The most common were 38.43% of animal bite wounds. Prevalence of antibiotic prescribing were 48.63%, The most common antibiotic used were Dicloxacillin (53.15%), followed by Amoxicillin (41.44%). Average duration of antibiotic used was 4.66 ± 1.86 days. According to the guideline, the rate of appropriate antibiotic used was 71.62%. Factors were significantly related antibiotic used were co-morbidity, type of wound and type of wound according to the guideline (p<0.05). Infectious wound did not occurred in study.
Conclusion: The prevalence of antibiotic use in fresh traumatic wounds in Chaiwan Hospital was higher than the target. The rate of appropriate antibiotic use was 71.62% but 64.86% were inappropriate for the duration of antibiotics and 5.41% were inappropriate in choosing the drug type. Factors were significantly related antibiotic used were co-morbidity, type of wound and type of wound according to the guideline. Therefore, Chaiwan Hospital had to develop a service system. The use of antibiotics in fresh wounds for further suitability
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- 2022-01-05 (2)
- 2021-12-29 (1)
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