Study on the problem of leftover medications in diabetic patients at chronic disease clinic Ban Khwao Hospital, Chaiyaphum province
leftover medications, diabetes mellitus patientsAbstract
Introduction: Primary care Pharmacy is a holistic pharmaceutical care. complementary and Participation at the individual, family and community level, healthcare teams for drug and healthcare product safety.
Objective: To Study the problem and cause of leftover medications in diabetes mellitus patients at chronic disease clinic, Ban Khwao Hospital
Method: This descriptive study was divided into two phases. Phase 1: analytical and study of leftover medications in diabetes mellitus patients at chronic disease clinics. Ban Khwao Hospital. During March 15th - June 30th, 2021. 313 patients were collected from medical records of patients. Phase2: To study problems and causes of leftover medications from home visits among patients. 20 diabetes mellitus patients who returned leftover medications more than 4 items. During July 1st – August 6th 2021. Data were collected INHOMESSS home visit record. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse data.
Results: Phase 1: The study in 313 diabetes mellitus patients were female82.17%, Average age 61.67±9.41 years The duration of diabetes mellitus was more than 10 years 66.13%. The most of leftover medications were Metformin 500 mg Hydralazine 25 mg Losartan 50 mg Simvastatin 20 mg and Glipizide 5 mg 25.13%, 16.50%, 11.42%, 9.14% and 7.61% respectively. Phase2: home visits in 20 diabetes mellitus patients who returned leftover medications more than 4 items were female 16 case (80.00%) Average age 61.65±9.33 years. The main cause of leftover medications, were doctors prescribe drugs over 8 case (36.36%), patients misremember to take medicine 6 case (27.27%) and patients adjusted the medicine treatment by themselves 3 case (13.63%)
Conclusion: Caused of leftover medications in diabetes mellitus patients who returned leftover medications more than 4 items doctors prescribe drugs over and patients misremember to take medicine, patients adjusted the medicine treatment by themselves
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