Factors related to the Performance of Health Consumer Protection of Village Health Volunteers, Khon San Subdistrict, Khon San District, Chaiyaphum Province.
Village Health Volunteers, Consumer Health Protection KnowledgeAbstract
Objective: To study personal characteristics, knowledge of consumer health protection work, and to study the level of public health consumer protection practices of a VHVs. Khon San Subdistrict, Khon San District, Chaiyaphum Province.
Research methos: This research descriptive research the sample group was a VHV in Khon San Subdistrict, with stratified random sampling, totaling 127 people. Which is a questionnaire, which consists of 3 parts of information, namely personal data; knowledge of public health consumer protection and public health consumer protection work, Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, including numbers, percentages, averages, and standard deviations, and inferences include Multiple Linear Regression.
Research results: The results of the study were as follows most of the samples were females. The duration of work as a VHV was in the range of 5-10 years and received additional training 1 time per year. Food product category the overall consumer protection practices in public health performed at a high level. And the relationship between various factors and consumer protection practices in public health. The statistically significant factors were gender (β = 0.433, P < 0.001), knowledge of consumer protection work in public health (β = 0.245, P < 0.001). 31.40% of public health (R2 = 0.314).
Discussion summary: The results suggest that receiving additional training on consumer protection work and knowledge of the correct public health consumer protection work. This will result in more efficient consumer protection operations in public health.
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