Transforming Care at the Bedside: Enhancing Nurses Compliance for Preventing the Transmission of Multidrug-resistant Organisms
Transforming Care at the Bedside, Nurses Compliance, Preventing the Transmission of Multidrug-resistant OrganismsAbstract
Hospital-acquired infections from multidrug-resistant organisms are an increasingly common problem. Nurses play a dominant role in preventing the spread of multidrug-resistant infections.
Objective: This quasi-experimental research aimed to compare the practice of nurses in preventing the spread of multidrug-resistant organisms and the incidence of drug-resistant infections before and after the practice promotion. The sample consisted of 51 nurses in 2 internal medicine wards. The research was conducted from May 2020 to April 2021 using the concept of Transforming Care at the Bedside (TCAB).
Methods: The study's instruments included a demographic data questionnaire, a compliance recording form, and an incidence record form. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and a chi-square test.
Result: Results showed that applying the TCAB concept significantly raised nurses' compliance practices from 44.3% to 80% (p<.001). Hospital-acquired infections caused by multidrug-resistant organisms fell from 1.36 to 0.97 per 1,000 hospital days.
Conclusion: Research indicates that using the TCAB concept to increase nurses' compliance can help to reduce the incidence of infections caused by drug-resistant organisms.
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- 2022-12-30 (2)
- 2022-12-30 (1)
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