Factors affecting parents’ decision to COVID-19 vaccine for children between aged 6 months to 4 years in Chatturat Hospital, Chaiyaphum Province.
Decision, COVID-19 Vaccine, Coronavirus disease -2019Abstract
Objective: To study factors affecting parents' decision to COVID-19 vaccine for children between aged 6 months to 4 years with in Chatturat Hospital, Chaiyaphum Province.
Methods: This research is a Cross-sectional analysis. The sample group was 200 personal of parents. The research instrument was a questionnaire on parents' decision to get the COVID-19 vaccine reliability approached by Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.86. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Logistic Regression Analysis.
Results: The majority of the sample were female 96.0%, had an average age of 29.70 (SD=8.09), the sample had a desire to receive the COVID-19 vaccine for children 53.0%. The level of Behavior to prevent COVID-19 disease (Mean = 4.22, sd.=0.52) and perception of safety and side effects of vaccines (Mean = 4.29, sd.=0.51) are factors affecting parents' decisions in choosing to vaccinate their children. Factors affecting parents' decision to vaccinate their children against COVID-19 include perception of risk and severity of COVID-19 disease (ORadj=1.71, 95% CI=1.15 – 2.54) and perception of benefit of COVID-19 vaccine (ORadj=1.56, 95% CI=1.17 – 2.08) affects the decision to receive COVID-19 vaccination to children under guardianship.
Conclusion: The study suggests that Factors affecting parents' decision to vaccinate children aged 6 months to 4 years with the COVID-19 vaccine include perception of risk and severity of COVID-19 disease and awareness of the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine.
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