Development model of an Integrated Home Visit Services for Diabetes Mellitus Elderly in Huai Koeng Hospital, Udon Thani Province


  • Wipada Assana Huai Koeng Hospital, Udon Thani Province


Elderly, Diabetes Mellitus, Multidisciplinary team, Integrated Home Visit Services, Elderly Caretaker


Action research aimed to study the developing model for Integrated Home Visit Services for Diabetes Mellitus Elderly in Huai Koeng Hospital, Udon Thani Province. Data collection was done between March to October 2023.

The study found that in the sample group of elderly individuals with diabetes, 60.0% were female, with an average age of 68.83 years (S.D.=0.71). The caregivers were also predominantly female, with 66.67% being female and an average age of 41.90 years (S.D.=1.41). The multidisciplinary team consisted of 60.0% females, with an average age of 35.50 years (S.D.=9.11). Integrated Home Visit Model for Elderly Patients with Diabetes, consisting of 4 steps. Follow 1) Self-management, in collaboration with caregivers and professional teams, includes evaluating self-care behaviors, providing knowledge, and taking care of physical health, eyes, 2) Setting goals for blood sugar control, 3) Planning and implementation in terms of food consumption, controlling blood sugar levels, medication intake, and preventing complications in the feet, 4) The evaluation is done by monitoring the HbA1C levels and complications when the patient returns to the hospital each time to receive medication. This is done in conjunction with self-assessment of behavior in self-care by both the patient and the caregiver. The assessment includes identifying problems and obstacles, checking the record book, and providing guidance on proper self-care and control of blood sugar levels. After applying the format, it was found that patients were able to significantly control their blood sugar levels (p-value <0.001). The overall quality of life score was good ( ± S.D.: 108.92 ± 5.89). The overall satisfaction level of patients and caregivers was high ( ± S.D.: 4.21 ± 0.32), as well as the multidisciplinary team ( ± S.D.: 4.03 ± 0.36).

Home visits by multidisciplinary team will help stimulate and promote understanding among elderly individuals with diabetes and their caregivers about the importance of controlling blood sugar levels. It will also help prevent this issue from occurring continuously and sustainably.


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