Nursing care of type 1 diabetes patients with complications of diabetic retinopathy: case study
Nursing care, Type 1 diabetes, Diabetic retinopathy complicationsAbstract
Diabetes is a non-communicable disease that is one of the leading problems in Thailand. Improper health behaviors This results in the inability to control sugar levels and eye complications. Chronic kidney failure, heart disease, and foot ulcers can follow. Nurse is an important role in providing holistic nursing care to patients. To encourage patients to change their behaviors, Reduce the occurrence of complications and Reduce health costs.
Objective: To study nursing care for patients with type 1 diabetes who have complications from diabetic retinopathy.
Methods: A case study of type 1 diabetes, 34-year-old Thai female patient who presented at NCD clinic Chaiyaphum Hospital, with the history of blurred vision for 1 month. Between 2 May - 23 August 2023, data were collected from interviews with patients and relatives. Physical examination, observation, laboratory results and patient medical records
Results: Case study patient is a Thai woman with type 1 diabetes who has complications from diabetic retinopathy. Assess patients using Gordon's 11 scales, Formulate nursing diagnosis using Orem's theory. Found nursing problems as follows:1) The patient is worried about chronic illness. 2) Risk of unconsciousness from the rising of ketones due to high blood sugar. 3) Risk of shock from low blood sugar due to insulin use. 4) Risk of cardiac arrhythmia due to high levels of potassium in the blood. 5) Risk of complications due to high blood pressure. 6) Risk of tissue oxygen depletion due to anemia. 7) Risk of accidents due to blurred vision. Can't see clearly and 8) The patient takes care of himself inappropriately due to lack of knowledge in taking care of himself. After providing nursing care as planned It was found that many problems were resolved. The patient feels better. The worried expression decreased. The sugar level in the blood decreased. There were no acute or chronic complications.
Conclusion: After providing nursing care to this patient according to Gordon's theory, Orem theory, and chronic disease care model, it was found that the patient had better health care behavior. The worried is decrease, sugar levels decreased Able to live happily with family and society.
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