The Development of Disbursement Process for Medical Support Equipment: Chaiyaphum Hospital
worthless, Disbursement Process, Medical SupportAbstract
Development of a system for medical support materials and products to reduce waste caused by delays in the payment process. Including finding the factors that cause this delay. Action research that applies ECRS techniques in operation. A sample of 377 people (21.0%) was used to answer the quantitative questionnaire, and in-depth interviews with 12 major providers, which were conducted in 2010. Quantitative data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression. Qualitative data analysis using content analysis and flow process chart.
The results show that waste caused by delays in the disbursement process. It is related to the operating process, storing materials and products in the warehouse and waiting (R2 = 0.989). The results of using ECRS techniques can reduce the operating steps from 20 steps to 13 steps (percent change = 0.35), including the time for operation time decreased from 4,062.98 minutes to 775.08 minutes (percent = 0.81). The development model consists of 1) improving work procedure 2) improving material storage areas, and 3) using electric vehicles to transport products.
Developing a payment system for medical support materials and products can reduce waste caused about 5 times. However, the potential of personnel in technology should be developed to support future development.
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Burawat P. Productivity Improvement of Carton Manufacturing Industry by Implementation of Lean Six Sigma, ECRS, Work Study, and 5S: A Case Study of ABC Co., Ltd. Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques 2019;7(4):785-93.
Kelendar H, Mohammed MA. Lean and the ECRS Principle: Developing a Framework to Minimize Waste in Healthcare Sectors. IJPHCS 2020;7(3):98–110.
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