Effectiveness Continuing of Care in Community among Intermediate Care of Stroke Patients, Mueang Chaiyaphum District
Stroke, Intermediate Care, Continuing of CareAbstract
This retrospective study aimed to investigate the effects of community-based follow-up care in stroke patients during the intermediate phase in Mueang District, Chaiyaphum Province. The study involved 90 stroke patients whom admitted in Chaiyaphum Hospital between August 2022 and May 2023. A home health care approach was used to assess the patients' ability to perform daily activities (Barthel ADL Index: BI) and provide rehabilitation support for 6 months after discharge from the hospital. Data on medical history was collected from the HOSxP database, and data on home-based follow-up care during the rehabilitation phase was collected through observation and interviews. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data, and inferential statistics were performed using paired t-test, McNemar’s test ,Cochran Q test and Simple logistic regression.
The study results showed that the majority of the sample were male (60.0%) with an average age of 65.4±4.7 years , 77.8% were ischemic stroke patients. On the day of discharge from the hospital, 74.4% had a BI score <11 . After 6 months of continuing of care at home in community showed that, 83.3% had increase of BI scores, 50% had fully BI scores (20 points), 13.3% were deaths whom had average age of 78.5±7.4 years and history of chronic disease. When comparing the average BI scores, it was found that after 6 months of follow-up care, the average BI score increased by 9.5 points (95% CI: 8.5, 10.6). Furthermore, it was found that a higher initial stroke severity (NIHSS≥ 15 points) was associated with a 6-fold increased risk of long-term care or death (BI<11/dead) during the 6-month rehabilitation period (OR = 6.2; 95% CI: 1.2, 31.5).
In conclusion, continuous community-based care for stroke patients during the intermediate phase by a multidisciplinary team in collaboration with community networks and families had encouraged and supported majority of patients to improve ability self-care. However, in severe cases or BI score very low cases are necessary to appropriate care plan before discharge from the hospital.
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