This is an outdated version published on 2025-02-18. Read the most recent version.

Cost Analysis and Cost Recovery Ratio of Radiology Services at Mahasarakham Hospital, in Fiscal Year 2023


  • Sarawut Suphrawitchayanon Radiology Department, Mahasarakham Hospital


cost of radiology service, cost recovery ratio


Introduction: MahaSarakham Hospital Has developed radiology services using technology for storing and transmitting medical image data. including digital radiography technology. The goal is to reduce the cost of radiology services.

Objectives: To study the total cost, unit cost of service, and cost recovery ratio of radiology services.

Research Methodology: This is a descriptive study using cost and revenue data from the Radiology Department of Mahasarakham Hospital between October 1, 2022 and September 30, 2023. The cost data includes labor, materials, investments, and the number of services. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics.

Results: The total cost was 21,066,409.63 baht, with the proportion of labor costs, capital costs, and material costs being 69.5%, 21.0%, and 9.5%, respectively. Considering the activities, general X-ray had the highest total cost of 8,140,287.46 baht, while quality control, medical image storage, and delivery had the lowest total cost of 709,615.14 baht. When considering the unit cost for each activity, general X-ray (Bone survey, Elbow, Forearm, Hand, Humerus, Wrist) had the lowest unit cost of 44.63 baht, while unit cost of two special X-ray activities that exceeded the charge rate: Cystogram and Voiding Cysto-Urethrogram.

The highest cost recovery ratio was general X-ray at 3.62 times, while the lowest was for special X-ray at 1.20 times. When considering only material costs. It was found that the highest recovery ratio for material costs was 76.09 times in mobile x-ray, followed by 54.35, 14.14, 4.45 times in general X-ray, ultrasound X-ray, and special X-ray, respectively.

Submission: 10 January 2024

Publication: 19 June 2024



Submission: 10 January 2024

Publication: 19 June 2024



Conclusion: The majority of the cost was labor, and general X-ray was the most frequently used activity, resulting in the highest total cost. Additionally, it was found that special X-ray has activities that unit costhigher than the charge rate. However, the overall radiology service there was a profitable payback rate in almost every activity.


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2024-06-28 — Updated on 2025-02-18




Original Article