The Prevalence and An Effect of the Informational Program to reduce depression on Depression in Teenage Pregnancy
prevalence, depression, teenage pregnancy, the Informational Program to reduce depressionAbstract
Depression was a public health problem. Depression among teenage Pregnancy results in lower appetite, Less sleep, the fetus was smaller than the fetus, poor quality of life and Impact on the role of mothers after childbirth.
Methods : To find the prevalence and experimental research for study Effect of the Informational Program to reduce depression on depression in teenage pregnancyQuasi-experimental research data was collected from 30 pregnant teenagers, age between 14 to less than 20 years old , visited ANC clinic of Banphi hospital, Intervention program for information to reduce depression were counselling, practice during pregnancy and social support by family, data collection between January - June 2016. The center for epidemiologic studies-depression scale (CES-D) was used to find out the prevalence of depression and post use the Informational Program to reduce depression. Data analysis was using by descriptive statistics and pair t-test
Results : The prevalence of depression in teenage pregnancy was 21.58 percentage. From 30 pregnant teenagers, mean age 16.7± 1.2 years old, 63.3% of the junior high school graduates, 76.7% have a married/no traditional marriage, 73.3% have a student / student occupation problem and the average monthly income of the family were 5,620 ± 2.9 baht. The averaged gestational age 19.2 ± 4.9 weeks. Factors that promote depression were learning disabilities 66.7%. There was a significant difference between the mean scores from the depression measure before and after the intervention program (p-value < 0.001)
Conclusion : The prevalence of depression in adolescent girls was 21.58%, and the informational program could reduce depression effectively.
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