Effects of using the LINE Application in security administration at Mukdahan Hospital


  • Watcharachai Kunhintang Mukdahan Hospital, Mukdahan Province


LINE Application in, security administration, Management


his action research was aimed at studying security administration at Mukdahan Hospital and comparing the administration outcome before and after using the LINE Application in security administration at Mukdahan Hospital. The sample recipients of security services comprising staff representatives from all departments and hospital services recipients obtained through accidental sampling – 111 informants before using the LINE Application and 123 informants after using it, as well as 12 informants who are security guards themselves all provided the data. The instrument was a questionnaire containing two parts, the general information of the informants and the satisfaction assessment of security services, which had been assured for its index of consistency (IOC) by experts and had a reliability of 0.893 (Cronbach’s alpha). The survey questionnaires were distributed between 1 February to 30  September 2016. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (percentage, mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (independent t-test and paired t-test).

The results showed the significant improvements before and after using the LINE Application as follows: the recipients’ satisfaction of security services had increased significantly from the moderate level (3.48) to be at the high level (3.88)(p<0.05); the security guards whose duties were to provide security services and respond to administrative commands through the LINE Application had a significantly increased satisfaction of security administration from the moderate level (3.25) to the high level (4.91) (p<0.05).

The findings suggest that information technology devices should be incorporated with traditional approaches to security administration that largely depends on rules, regulations, and prescriptions for security services provision so as to modernize and maximize administration efficiency. They can probably contribute greatly to other services, facilitating and responding to the public needs which will lead to optimal satisfaction and happiness among recipients of hospital services.


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2019-07-30 — Updated on 2021-09-01
