Parental Knowledge and Childhood Fever Management


  • Piengpen Dejporn pediatric ward 1 Chaiyaphum Hospital


knowledge, management, parents, childhood fever


This descriptive study is aimed to explore parents’ knowledge and management of childhood fever. The study sample included 80 parents of children who were admitted in Children Ward 1, Chaiyaphum Hospital. The research instrument was a questionnaire with an in-depth interview format. The instrument was developed; construct and content validity were determined by an expert panel. The content validity indexes of knowledge and fever management questions were 0.92 and 0.90 respectively. Data were collected during May 1, to June 30, 2015. The collected data were analyzed by the use of frequency distribution, percentage, means, standard deviation and descriptive content interpretation.

Research findings revealed that majority of the parents’ knowledge of childhood fever was good (mean 11.8, SD = 1.48 on 15 items). Some unknowledgeable parents gave the antipyretic drug as first choice for children (70%). Sixty two parents (77.50%) managed childhood fever well at a high level (mean 4.10, SD = .46). Parents due to lack of knowledge and experience did not perform tepid sponge down.

The results of this study indicate that parents need consistent evidence-based information about childhood fever management and the use of antipyretics was justified.


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2019-07-30 — Updated on 2021-09-02




Original Article