Evaluation of nursing care for Multiple trauma before and after clinical practice guideline.
Multiple trauma, effectiveness, clinical practice guidelineAbstract
Material and Method: The purpose of this descriptive was to develop and evaluate a clinical practice guideline for initial assessment among multiple trauma patients admitted trauma care units ,Chaiyaphum Hospital. The target Subjects who implement were 17 nurses working in the trauma care units . Data were collected during February and July 2515. The instruments for data collection included the recordable evaluation form, consists of two parts were general information and the clinical practice guidelines which were developed and the content validity was tested by experts. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and paired sample t-test.
Results: The results showed that contents of this developed clinical practice guideline of 7 dimensions. One hundred percent of nurses described that 5 dimensions of this clinical practice guideline were feasible for implementing into practice, 1) Vital Signs 2) Airway 3) Breathing 4) Disability. After to used of a clinical practice guideline nurses compliance to the clinical practice guidelines were higher than before (p < .05) in all activities.
Conclusion: Based on the research the promoting to used of a clinical practice guideline for casualty care systems were suggested and evaluation of the practice continued. And there should be a study of factors affecting the survival of the multiple trauma.
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- 2021-09-02 (2)
- 2019-07-30 (1)
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