At-home Continuous Care Model Development Focusing on Holistic Cares for Disability Elders in Chaiyaphum Province
continuous care, holistic care, elders with disabilitiesAbstract
The purpose of this participatory action research was to study the continuous care model at home that focuses on holistic care for disability elders in Chaiyaphum Province. The study which was conducted during October 2019 to January 2020. The sample consisted of 95 disability elders and 90 elderly care team. The research instruments consisted of the elderly Assessment Questionnaire and Semi-Structured Questionnaire. Analyze quantitative data by frequency distribution and percentage. Qualitative data, content analysis.
The results found that the continuous care model at home that focuses on holistic care for disability elders in Chaiyaphum Province is as follows 1) There is a care plan by analyzing the situation and problems together with the community in health care planning 2) Implementation of the plan, screening training for elderly care managers and elderly caregivers. As well as having appropriate care manuals that can be put into practice and there is a way to forward urgent care or consult with care 3) Have work tracking continuous evaluation of performance, There is suppose for care. 4) There is a forum to exchange experiences in caring for disability elders. Then analyze the advantages and disadvantages of operations in order to improve operations and are suitable for the real context. From the ongoing development of home care models that focus on holistic care for disability elders, it is found that
Elderly in need are visited by a health care team. Who are attentive, enthusiastic and have skills to look after elderly people who are more dependent on bed addiction groups Have skills, knowledge, and confidence in service able to assess health status and provide basic care for the elderly and can refer to urgent cases. At the same time, found that the elderly who are dependent and the care team are satisfied with the holistic health care, there is network work. There are ongoing health care guidelines for elderly people with increased disability. Elderly people who are disability are encouraged to take care of their health. Fight illness with encouragement from the family and the health team that understands what the elderly are facing, born as a power to change behavior in self-care, can help themselves. As a result, disability elders have a good quality of life suitable for the context in which each person and able to appropriately expand to other areas.
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- 2021-08-18 (2)
- 2020-08-20 (1)
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