Nursing for Teenmom Postpartum hemorrhage due to Hysterectomy: Case study
Nursing for Teenmom, Postpartum hemorrhage, Hysterectomy, Hypovolemic ShockAbstract
The number of teenage pregnancies is increasing each year. And affect on health, lifestyle, education and mind. Teenage pregnancy are high risk than adult pregnant. Especially teenage under the age of 18 the body is in its developing and changing phase. When pregnant Growth and bodily changes are interrupted. Resulting in the body imbalance uterus not fully explan causing confined space, the pelvis does not fully developed The passageway is narrower cephalopelvic disproportion. During pregnant, there will be problems with late antenatal care or not antenatal care. Complications during pregnancy, prolonged labour, non progress of labour, dystocia or obstructed labour, will be operative obstetrics and operative emergency. In postpartum period uterine inertia, uterine atony, Postpartum hemorrhage and hysterectomy. The researchers realized the importance of the problem and therefore studied nursing mothers of postpartum hemorrhage adosescent mother who underwent a hysterectomy. The objective is to develop guideline for nursing patients with emergency caesarean section in the preoperative, surgical and postoperative stages. Including studying disease progress, incidence, cause, signs and symptoms and rehabilitation for safety and holistic care.
In accordance with this case study, the occurrence teenmom. Cephalo-pelvic disproportion, prolonged labour, Fetus thick meconium stained and unplan operative emergency. In postpartum period uterine atony postpartum hemorrhage and hysterectomy. From the decision of the Obstetrician and the provision of important information which complex treatment. Communicating with patient and parent for prevent hypovolemic shock to prevent maternal mortality and maternal deaths. This case study are therefore safe from surgery. No complications able to perform daily activities until able to dischange both mother and baby.
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- 2021-08-17 (3)
- 2021-08-02 (2)
- 2021-02-09 (1)
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