Nursing care for neonatal with jaundice : case study 2 case
neonatal, jaundiceAbstract
Education of newborns with jaundice Is a newborn baby case study the objective of this study was to study the nursing care of newborn babies with jaundice. Received partial exchange transfusion (partial exchange transfusion) and phototherapy. (Phototherapy) neonatal department sick Pediatrics Building Thepparat Hospital Nakhon Ratchasima Between 24 November 2018 - 9 February 2019 for data collection with a jaundice assessment form Patient medical record information in observing interviews with mothers Data analysis by analyzing the comparative content Risk Factors for Jaundice and High Blood Concentration Symptoms, Symptoms, Treatment and Nursing Problems
Results: Case Study 1: 12 days of premature male infants with jaundice. High blood concentration Low blood platelets Low blood sugar with an infection and put in a ventilator (CPAP) was treated using aqueous solution to reduce the concentration of blood. In assessing the health status of both babies, the Orem (Theory of self-care deficit) framework was used as a guideline for nursing diagnosis. Nursing care and nursing evaluation it was found that the problem from the nursing idiagnosis was solved. The infant had jaundice decreased from MB=12.8%, reduced to MB=9.6%, and blood concentration, Hct=71.7%, decreased to Hct=55%, including the infant in 13 days of care. Case Study 2: Male infant was born. Matured 17 days, had jaundice High blood concentration No low blood platelet conditions Low blood sugar with an infection Treated by phototherapy (Phototherapy) has given medicine Studying, monitoring and evaluation in nursing It was found that the problem from the nursing diagnosis was solved. The infant had jaundice decreased from MB=12.59%, reduced to MB= 4.8% and blood concentration, Hct=61.3%, decreased to Hct=49.8%, including the infant in 18 day care.
Conclusion: This study demonstrated that the results of applying the photovoltaic yellow baby nursing practice guideline were used in this study. (Phototherapy) and the use of water to reduce blood concentrations (Partial Exchange Transfusion) from nursing for the two newborn babies had different pathology and symptoms. But the case study 1 A nursing practice guideline was used for yellowing babies receiving partial exchange transfusion. Surveillance of complications from the wearing of positive pressure ventilator is being monitored. And Case Study 2: Treatment of phototherapy for lymphatic babies was treated. (Phototherapy) has provided nursing care to observe the symptoms closely. Provide comprehensive nursing care for the newborn baby to survive, both safely and without complications
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- 2021-08-17 (3)
- 2021-08-02 (2)
- 2021-02-09 (1)
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