Results of Practice and Development Guideline Rational Drug Use in Province Level of Rational Drug Use Service Committee, Chaiyaphum Province.


  • Kantanawat Ronnarong Consumer Protection and Public Health Pharmacy Group, Chaiyaphum Provicial Public Health Office.


Rational drug use, Rational Drug Use Service Committee, Guideline of rational drug use


This study was participatory action research, Aimed to develop guideline rational drug use at province level of Rational Drug Use Service Committee, Chaiyaphum province and evaluated the implementation of guideline rational drug use at the province level. The participants were 52 subjects in the Rational Drug Use Service Committee. The study had been conducted from October 2018 – December 2019. The research methodology was conducted in two-cycle of research operational procedures with four steps (Kemmis & McTagart,1998) as following: 1.Planing 2.Acting of procedure 3.Observation of action outcomes 4.Reflection. Data were analyzed and descriptive statistics were frequency and percentage.

Quarter 1 in 2018, Chaiyaphum province had 16 hospitals pass evaluated in Level 1 of rational drug use (100%), 5 hospitals in Level 2 of rational drug use (31.25%), and 2 hospitals in Level 3 of rational drug use (12.50%). But some hospitals prescribed antibiotics for Upper respiratory tract infection, Acute diarrhea, Fresh traumatic wound, and antibiotic prophylactic in normal labor. Prescribed Metformin drug and Inhale corticosteroids did not reach the goal. For these reasons mention above, the development guideline rational drug use at the province level was implemented. There were 10 activities in guideline rational drug use consist of 1.Planing project for promoted rational drug use 2.Promoted of policy 3. Rational Drug Use Service Committee had met more than 3 times 4. Reflection data in Rational Drug Use Service Committee and Measurement and Evaluation Committee (MEC) 5.Manage by pop lock and pop alerts 6. Presented list name of doctors was prescribed irrational antibiotics use in 4 groups 7. Herbal medicines replace antibiotics 8. Analysis of data for find root cause 9.Empowerment and helped in target hospital 10. Health literacy for rational drug use in populations. Results implemented from developing rational drug use guideline show that there were 16 hospitals pass rational drug use at level 1 (100%), 9 hospitals pass rational drug use at level 2 (56.25 %) and 5 hospitals pass rational drug use at level 3 (31.25 %)  

In summary, the Guideline rational drug use at the province level of Rational Drug Use Service Committee had 10 activities. If practiced consistently and continue its had increase amount of hospitals passing rational drug use at every level. Another province can use this guideline or developed it to appropriate to the context.


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2021-07-19 — Updated on 2021-08-13




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