Suicide Prevention Model within the At-Risk Group by Community Participation, Santisuk District, Nan Province
suicide attempt, suicide surveillance and prevention, community participationAbstract
These action research aimed to develop a model for preventing suicide within the at-risk group by community participation. Qualitative data was collected using observations and in-depth interviews with various key informants, including public health officials, health volunteers, community leaders, caregivers, and local government officers. A total of 44 purposive key informants were included to this study and data analyzed by content analysis. The study incorporated data from HosXP operation reports and statistical analysis were applied. The results showed that the model of preventive and control for suicide within the at-risk group have a characterized by a triangular framework by the community based. Collaborative efforts across different organizational levels were evident, guided by hierarchical command chains. Key mechanisms included: (1) support mechanisms from the policy units; the provincial public health office and provincial hospital; (2) integration mechanisms through District Health Board driven by district public health offices and hospitals; (3) communication and capacity-building mechanisms for health volunteers and caregivers through village health volunteers and designated hospital staff; and (4) surveillance mechanisms for suicide prevention by village health volunteers and caregivers. This operational framework increased suicide screening coverage and reduces suicide attempt rates within the at-risk group. The success factors included: (1) policy-driven coordination through district health board; (2) protocol and guideline for prevention with both proactive and reactive measures; (3) strong operational networks; and (4) formal and informal communication channels for coordination and learning exchange, including community health communication. This preventive and control for suicide within the at-risk group model could be apply for surveillance and prevention strategies, and be adopted as a guideline for similar areas through contextual adjustments and variables suitable for specific regional context.
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