Personal Factors Related to Knowledge of Using Herbal Medicine in National List of Essential Medicines among Prescriber in Primary Health Care Setting: a Case Study in Muang District, Pattani Province


  • Philan Sangkong Master of Public Health Program, Faculty of Health and Sports Science, Thaksin University
  • Kusumarn Noipha Department of Thai Traditional Medicine, Faculty of Health and Sports Science, Thaksin University
  • Dusanee Suwankhong Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health and Sports Science, Thaksin University, Phatthalung, Thailand


herbal medicine, national list of essential medicines, primary health setting, prescription of herbal medicine


Pattani province has launched the policy and guideline related to the prescription of herbal medicine for primary health care setting across province. However, the prescription rate does not meet the obligatory indicator. This survey study aimed to investigate (1) level of knowledge about the use of herbal medicine in national list of essential medicines (NLEM) and (2) the relationship between personal factors and level of knowledge of using herbal medicines in NLEM among prescriber in primary health care setting, Muang district, Pattani province. It was conducted from November to December 2022.Data were collected by using 25 questionnaires on knowledge of the use of herbal medicines developed by the researchers. Participants were 56 prescribers in primary health care setting in Muang district, Pattani province. Personal data were analyzed by means of percentage, mean standard deviation, maximum-minimum and the relationship between personal factors and level of such knowledge was analyzed employing Fisher’s exact test. It showed that 92.90% of participants used to prescribe herbal medicine. Their level of knowledge was good, fair and low levels; 50.00%, 48.21%, and 1.79%, respectively. Sex and education significantly related to level of knowledge of using herbal medicines in NLEM (p>0.05). Thus, it is essential to promote all prescribers in primary health care setting to attain good level of knowledge of herbal medicines in NLEM to increase their confidence; and this can increase the prescription rate of herbal medicine in primary health care settings.


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How to Cite

สังคง ภ., น้อยผา ก., & Suwankhong, D. (2023). Personal Factors Related to Knowledge of Using Herbal Medicine in National List of Essential Medicines among Prescriber in Primary Health Care Setting: a Case Study in Muang District, Pattani Province. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 32(6), 1035–1045. Retrieved from



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