4-Quadrant Multisectoral Collaboration Model for the Prevention and Control of NCDs
noncommunicable disease, model, multisectoral, network, prevention and control, ThailandAbstract
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), defined by the World Health Organization as cardiovascular diseases, cancers, diabetes mellitus, and chronic pulmonary diseases; and their main risk factors, which include tobacco smoking, alcohol drinking, unhealthy diet, and inadequate physical activity levels, contribute significantly to the burden of disease in Thailand, and globally. The prevention and control of NCDs and their risk factors in Thailand cannot solely rely on the efforts of the Ministry of Public Health— it urgently requires multisectoral collaborative actions. The authors propose the 4-Quadrant (4QM) Model and five strategies to enhance multisectoral action for the prevention and control of NCDs. The 4QM model involves stakeholders from the Ministry of Public Health, the broader government, and the public. According to this model, there are four major parties: (1) the Formal System-Implementation Group, (2) the Informal System-Implementation Group, (3) the Formal System-Improvement Group, and (4) the Informal System-Improvement Group. The Formal System-Implementation Group includes the Ministry of Public Health and all governmental organizations. The Informal System-Implementation Group covers all individuals and organizations that are not governmental agencies. The Formal System-Improvement Group is comprised of funding agencies and international organizations. The Informal System-Improvement Group consists of networks of academicians. The 4QM will be able to inclusively enroll all stakeholders and unleash their potential in the prevention and control of NCDs. The five strategies proposed to enhance the multisectoral collaborative action include: (1) the Collective Leadership Strategy, (2) the Knowledge Management Strategy, (3) the Networking and Advocacy Strategy, (4) the Professional Central Management Strategy, and (5) the Top-leader Advocacy Strategy. Thailand can achieve its SDGs accordingly if its stakeholders employ the proposed model and strategies.
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