Competency of Administration Management for Healthy Organizations among Village Health Volunteers in Sawankhalok District, Sukhothai Province


  • Mahachart Sophonnitinaj District Public Health Office bandanlanhoi Sukhothai
  • Yutthana Yaebkai Sirindhorn College of Public Health Phitsanulok


Competency, Administration management, Healthy Organizations, Village Health Volunteers


This descriptive research aimed to study the competency of administration management for healthy organizations among Village Health Volunteers (VHVs) in Sawankhalok District, Sukhothai Province. The sample involved 64 health care providers (HCPs) and 64 VHVs in Sawankhalok District, Sukhothai Province. Data were collected using a questionnaire and then analyzed to determine the frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, paired sample’s t-test, and independent sample’s t-test. The research results revealed that the expected competency of administration management for healthy organizations was at the highest level, and the actual competency of administration management for healthy organizations was at a moderate level. VHVs were an expected competency of administration management for healthy organizations that was higher than the actual competency of administration management for healthy organizations. However, VHVs evaluated the expected competency of administration management for healthy organizations higher than HCPs. Furthermore, VHVs evaluated the actual competency of administration management for healthy organizations higher than HCPs. According to the findings of this study, related agencies should train VHVs' competency in administration management for healthy organizations to develop VHVs' potential in administration management for healthy organizations more effectively and efficiently.


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How to Cite

โสภณนิธินาท ม., & แยบคาย ย. (2024). Competency of Administration Management for Healthy Organizations among Village Health Volunteers in Sawankhalok District, Sukhothai Province . Primary Health Care Journal (Northern Edition), 34(1), 28–37. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)