Effects of the Dementia Prevention Program on Brain Performance of the Elderly in the Nakhonsawan Community Health Centers
Dementia prevention program, Brain performance, Elderly, Urban community health centerAbstract
This study employs a quasi-experimental research design using one group pretest - posttest format. The aim is to assess the effect of a dementia prevention program on the brain performance of elderly individuals residing in five urban Community Health Centers under the responsibility of Sawanpracharak Hospital. The sample consisted of 60 elderly people selected through purposive sampling from the Community Health Centers. Criteria for inclusion included abnormal results on the Mini - Cog assessment (scores ranging from 0 to 3) and normal depression assessments (Thai Geriatric Depression score less than 7), All sample participated in the dementia prevention program. Data, including general information, Mini-Mental State Examination Thai Version2002 (MMSE – Thai2002) and a dementia knowledge assessment form, was collected Demographic details of the sample group revealed that 75.0% were female, with 35.0% age between 70 – 74 years, Additionally, 51.7% were married, 56.7% had completed primary school and 68.3 % reported a monthly income of less than 5,000 Baht. Result indicated a significant increase (P-value <0.001) in knowledge scores post-intervention ( x̄ = 6.88, SD = 2.07) compared to pre-intervention scores (x̄ = 4.25, SD=1.91). Furthermore, post – intervention brain performance scores (MMSE) also improved ( x̄ = 27.1, SD = 2.541) relative to pre-intervention scores ( x̄ = 25.53, SD=2.425) with statistically significant difference (P-value <0.001). In conclusion, this study confirms that the dementia prevention programs significantly enhances brain performance of the elderly in the observed Community Health Centers in Nakhonsawan. These results can inform the development of projects and activities aiming at slowing cognitive decline, preserving functional abilities, preventing dementia, and ultimately promoting a higher quality of life for the elderly.
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