Self-Breast Massage: Concept and Management Methods of Milk Ejection in Postpartum Mothers : การนวดเต้านมด้วยตนเอง: แนวคิดและวิธีการจัดการต่อการไหลของน้ำนมในมารดาหลังคลอด


  • Benjawan Lahukarn
  • Maliwan Rattaya
  • Tassanee Nunart
  • Mareeya Masae


          Breastfeeding is basic and considered as the important starting point for taking care of the baby to grow up and be healthy. The most common problems found in mother after the first to second days of delivery are the absent and shortage of breast milk or the absent of milk ejection. As a result, postpartum mother feel anxious that the baby would receive inadequate milk and get more anxious when the breast milk still not ejected as the baby has cried. As a result, the postpartum mother gets more anxiety and stress which could affect the inhibition of milk production and secretion. This causes the abnormal in breast milk production and secretion, as a result, the postpartum mother decided to feed the baby with other milk. The only breastfeeding during the first 6 months doesn’t succeed. Therefore, the milk ejection is an important factor decision making in breastfeeding. The self-breast massage after birth is a way to promote and stimulate the production of milk. The breast massage touches after delivery stimulates the mammary glands of the nerve endings on the nipple which resulted in increasing of prolactin and oxytocin secretion. This helps to increase the breast milk production and the milk tube flexibility then the breast milk is more easily excreted and ejected. As a result, the increasing in breast milk ejection could be evaluated. This article was reviewed the content of self-breast massage to promote the milk ejection in postpartum mother and would be beneficial for caring of this mother afterward.

Keywords : Self-Breast Massage, Milk ejection, Postpartum mother





Review Article