Evaluation of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Surveillance System in Healthcare Personnel Sawanpracharak Hospital
Pulmonary Tuberculosis Surveillance SystemAbstract
Objective : To study both quantitative qualitative characteristics of the pulmonary tuberculosis surveillance system in healthcare personnel Sawanpracharak Hospital (National Tuberculosis Information Program : NTIP online). The quantitative characteristics were sensitivity, positive predictive value (PPV), data quality, representation and timeliness. The qualitative characteristics were difficulty, flexibility, acceptance, sustainability and utilization of the surveillance system.
Method : Descriptive study. Review of personnel medical records (all type of employment) of whom being diagnosed of pulmonary tuberculosis in Sawanpracharak Hospital during January 1st 2017 and December 31th 2020, quatitative data was analysed by weighted method and reported in frequency and percentage. The qualitative characteristics were studies by using in depth interviews Of 25 stakeholders.
Results : On average of 2095 hospital personnel per year, 32 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis were found, representing an incidence of 381.9 per 100,000 population. 71.9% were female, and mean age 37.6(SD±11.03). The surveillance system sensitivity was 78.1% with 86.2% positive forecast value, and 100% reporting timeliness. The results can be a representative of pulmonary tuberculosis patients to be treated at the hospital. The quality of the data was found to be 100% correct for the key parameters, however, some details were missing resulting in 86% completeness. The results of the qualitative study from in depth interviews of stakeholders found that the level of difficulty, acceptance, stability and utilization of the NTIP online program surveillance system were good, but the flexibility was fair.
Conclusion : To improve the NTIP online system, epidemiologist should conduct screening according strictly to strict surveillance definition. Patient information in the surveillance system, though highly accurate but not complete resulting in lacking important diagnostic information. Therefore, patient data from the hospital program should be verified. Before import into the NTIP online surveillance program in order to achieve more complete and valuable information.
Key words : Pulmonary Tuberculosis Surveillance System
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