Developing an Application to Provide Information on Pediatric One-Day Surgery Preparation to Reduce Parents’ Anxiety


  • Nuanchan Direkwuttikul Sawanpracharak Hospital
  • Pitchaya Scsatkomsan Sawanpracharak Hospital


Research and development, One-day surgery, Education application


This research is conducted to develop an application to provide information on pediatric one-day surgery preparation to patients and to study the results of using the application to reduce parents’ anxiety. The study was conducted from January to June 2022 and divided into 4 phases; 1. Survey and synthesize problem status and needs; 2. Design and develop an application; 3. Pretest the application, and 4. Make use of and publicize the application. Research participants are parents of children undergoing pediatric one-day surgery, selected by purposive sampling. The participants are divided into a sub-group of 6 persons and a field study group of 24 persons, 30 persons in total. The research instrument comprises two parts as follows: Part 1 – instruments for data collection consisting of 1) a questionnaire about parents’ personal information, 2) an anxiety assessment form, 3) a questionnaire about opinions towards changes after using the application, and 4) a questionnaire about opinions towards the application. Data obtained are analyzed using descriptive statist and pre-test and post-test statistics; Part 2 – Application to provide information on pediatric one-day surgery preparation.
The study results revealed that the application to provide information on pediatric one-day surgery preparation (ODS_N) could be used. Opinions towards the applications were at the highest level (Mean = 4.1±0.5). The results after the application were used for reducing parents’ anxiety showed that parents’ concern about the pediatric surgery and general anesthetic decreased significantly (p<0.01). Opinions regarding understanding the one-day surgery process changed after using the application at a high level (Mean = 4.1, ±0.5. Opinions according to children’s homecare concerns relief were high (Mean±0.7).
Conclusion: The application (ODS-N) is efficient for use. It is helpful to provide information on pediatric one-day surgery preparation and relieve parents’ concerns.
Keywords: Research and development, One-day surgery, Education application


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How to Cite

ดิเรกวุฒิกุล นวลจันทร์, and ซื่อสัตย์คมสัน พิชยา. 2023. “Developing an Application to Provide Information on Pediatric One-Day Surgery Preparation to Reduce Parents’ Anxiety”. Region 3 Medical and Public Health Journal - วารสารวิชาการแพทย์และสาธารณสุข เขตสุขภาพที่ 3 20 (3). Nakhonsawan Thailand:144-55.



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