Prevalence and Pregnancy Outcome of Pregnant Women with COVID-19
COVID-19, pregnancy, pregnancy outcomeAbstract
Objective: This study aimed to identify the prevalence of COVID-19 in pregnant women who came for delivery at Krathumbaen Hospital and to find the association between routes of delivery and pregnancy outcomes regarding maternal and neonatal aspects.
Method: This was a retrospective study of pregnant women who visited for delivery at Krathumbaen Hospital and was diagnosed with COVID-19 from 1 May 2021 to 31 October 2021. Medical records of 70 vaginal deliveries and 70 cesarean deliveries were reviewed. Data were collected and analyzed.
Results: The prevalence of pregnant women who confirmed COVID-19 infection was 13%. The mean maternal age was 29.0 ± 5.5 and 28.5 ± 6.2 years for the vaginal delivery and cesarean section group, respectively. 82.6% of pregnant women with age ≥ 35 years were asymptomatic. Multiparity was dominant in both groups (68.6% and 58.6% for vaginal delivery and cesarean section group). Most pregnant women had had term vaginal deliveries and cesarean sections (92.8% and 90%). Signs and symptoms did not differ between groups, even with favipiravir treatment. According to the X-ray result, 83.5% did not represent pneumonia. Postpartum hemorrhage was not different between groups. In the neonatal aspect, birth weight, weight for gestational age, hypoxemia, and hyperbilirubinemia were not different between groups. The rate of hypothermia and dyspnea were significantly higher in the cesarean section group than in the vaginal delivery group. (p<0.05)
Conclusions: The prevalence of pregnant women with COVID-19 infection was 13%. Due to the higher rate of neonatal hypothermia and dyspnea, both conditions should be aware in COVID-19 women undergoing cesarean section.
Keywords: COVID-19, pregnancy, pregnancy outcome
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