Health Behavior Promotion Model of Elderly Hypertension: A Systematic Review


  • Rattiyakorn Thuewan Department of Medical Services
  • Pannee Banchonhattakit Valaya Alongkorn Patronage Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage


Elderly, Health Behavior Promotion, Hypertension


Aim: This study aims to review health promotion behavior among elderly hypertension diseases systematically.

Methods: A systematic review of the quasi-experimental research was considered, published between 2018 and 8/2023 in Google Scholar, Thailis, or PubMed. The inclusion criteria were publications in English and Thai. The PICO criteria search has been applied: P= Elderly, I= Model of Elderly Hypertension, C= Comparison of the average perception between control and intervention group, O= Health Promotion Program with family participation.

Results: 40 studies were analyzed, and 14 were compatible after the critical appraisal review. The fourteen studies were quasi-experimental, with two groups assessing before and after the experiment (2 Groups Pretest-/Posttest-Design) in 13, but one study was not specified. The population was the elderly over 60 years old. The finding showed five behavior models for hypertension diseases: 1. Finding problems and targeting for changing health behaviors; 2. Encourage knowledge of hypertensive complications; 3. Develop Self-management skills, i.e., nutrition control, exercise, smoking cessation, alcohol avoidance, stress management, etc; 4. Treat hypertension with alternative medicine combined with anti-hypertension drugs; 5. Build social support by family members and public healthcare volunteers, following blood pressure-measuring, in-house visits, and warning-call service.

Conclusion: The health behavior and promotion model for the elderly with hypertension has created awareness, comprehension, and behavior change to reduce and control hypertension, preventing any potential complications.

Keywords: Elderly, Health Behavior Promotion, Hypertension



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How to Cite

ถือวัน รัตติยากร, and บัญชรหัตถกิจ พรรณี. 2024. “Health Behavior Promotion Model of Elderly Hypertension: A Systematic Review”. Region 3 Medical and Public Health Journal - วารสารวิชาการแพทย์และสาธารณสุข เขตสุขภาพที่ 3 21 (2). Nakhonsawan Thailand:127-37.



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