Expert Buddhist Counselors’ Experiences in Understanding of the Client’s Problems
understanding of the client’s problems, Buddhist counselor, qualitative researchAbstract
This qualitative study investigates the experiences of Buddhist counselors in understanding clients’ problems through the framework of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Six expert counselors specializing in Buddhist Counseling were selected as key informants. Data were collected through semi-structured, in-depth interviews. The analysis revealed three primary themes in the counselors’ experiences: (1) Facilitating awareness of the problem. This theme involves cultivating awareness of the psychological distress through dialogue, active listening, and reflection on existing problems, leading to insights into interconnected issues. (2) Facilitating the recognition of the root causes of problems. This process includes developing an understanding of the underlying causes, resulting in insights and empowering clients to find their own solutions. (3) Integrating Dhamma principles to help clients comprehend the interdependent nature of phenomena. This approach fosters insight, acceptance of life’s circumstances, and ultimately alleviates psychological distress.
Keywords: understanding of the client’s problems, Buddhist counselor, qualitative research
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