Nursing care of Pneumonia with Sepsis


  • Siriporn Pannil Ranong Hospital


Pneumonia, Nursing care, Sepsis


Background : Pneumonia is a common disease in the aging population, a non-communicable disease. It can lead to Multi-Organ Dysfunction, and death if diagnosis or treatment is delayed. Nurses must have knowledge and understanding of the pathology of the disease, treatment guidelines. Apply the nursing process to comprehensive care for patients and families. At each stage of the disease progression will keep the patient safe, prevent complications.

Objective : To study and compare nursing care for pneumonia patients with sepsis through two case studies.

Method :  Two case pneumonia with sepsis in Ranong Hospital were purposive conducted between August to September 2023. Data were collected from inpatient medical records. Taking history from patients and relatives. Compare nursing activities Related textbooks and research documents Comparative data were analyzed according to disease progression. Causes, risk factors Condition assessment Treatment received and nursing process. The concept of Gordon’s11 functional health patterns was used as a guide to assess a patient problem, define a nursing diagnosis, plan for nursing care and evaluate nursing care outcomes throughout critical care, discharge planning and continuous care phases.

Results : Case1, male 82 years old has co-morbidities Diabetic history High blood pressure, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia    and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  5 days ago he had cough with white sputum. Then 3 hours before came to hospital he had high fever and dyspnea. He received bronchodilator inhaler 3 dose but was not improving. He received a symptom assessment, history, physical examination for breathing sound and received admit at the male medicine ward for antibiotics, antidiuretic. He received bronchodilator inhaler every 4 hour until improve. He had received rehabilitation before discharge. Total treatment was 8 days. Case2, female 92 years old has co-morbidities HT DM Alzheimer CVA with bed ridden. 7 days    before came to hospital she had fever weakness and dyspnea. She was treated with positive pressure and antibiotics until improved. Then, she had received rehabilitation before discharge. Total treatment was 12 days.

Conclusion : The patients were successfully treated for pneumonia with septic shock. The nurses should have knowledge and skills in pneumonia patient with septic shock care. Applying nursing process for holistic care, and working with a multidisciplinary team can save the patient with a life-threatening medical condition, prevent complications, a reduce mortality rate


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How to Cite

ปานนิล ศ. (2024). Nursing care of Pneumonia with Sepsis. Primary Health Care Journal (Southern Regional), 38(3), 30–41. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)