The effect of Favipiravir on Liver Function Tests of COVID-19 patients in Nongsaeng Hospital, Udonthani Province.
COVID-19, favipiravir, liver function testsAbstract
Objective: This retrospective descriptive study aimed to determine the level of liver function test after COVID-19 patients who received treatment with favipiravir.
Method: The study population consisted of 58 COVID-19 patients in Nongsaeng Hospital between April – August 2021 who receiving favipiravir treatment, adults (at least 18 years), SARs-CoV-2 RT PCR positive and liver function test before and after at day 4 treatment with favipiravir. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics.
Result: The results showed COVID-19 patients who received favipiravir treatment that ALT < ULN 63.79%, ALP < ULN 93.10% and total bilirubin < ULN 98.28%. There were not patients who received favipiravir treatment that ALP and total bilirubin > 2ULN and ALT > 4ULN.
Conclusion: This study showed most pateints who received favipiravir treatment had normal liver function test, no drug induced liver injury.
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