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An Investigation of COVID-19 Infection in Dental Patients Who Received Treatment from COVID-19 Infected Dental Healthcare Provider: Case Study in One Community Hospital, Chaiyaphum Province


  • Saranthorn Kanokvijitsilp Banthaen Hospital, Chaiyaphum Province
  • Keskanya Subbalekha Department of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University
  • Oranuch Linakanishth Banthaen Hospital, Chaiyaphum Province
  • Somkid Thiemkeaw Banthaen Hospital, Chaiyaphum Province


COVID-19 transmission, Dental service, Dental healthcare provider



COVID-19 epidemic affected in concerning of transmission during dental treatment. In many country, dental professional organizations advised to postpone elective dental treatment. However, there was lack of evidence to assess transmission risk for dental patient and staff.

Objective: study was to study the incidence of COVID-19 infection in dental patients who received treatment from COVID-19 infected dental healthcare provider and factors may affected COVID-19 infection.

Methods: Data were collected from medical records of dental patients from one community hospital, Chaiyaphum province who received dental treatment from confirmed COVID-19 infected dental healthcare provider. Nasopharyngeal swabs were done in 22 patients for 13 days later. All samples were analyzed by RT-PCR for COVID-19. Factors may affected COVID-19 infection namely timing for dental operation, type of dental healthcare provider’s mask and air change rate in dental clinic were interviewed.

Result: No incidence of COVID-19 infection was found in dental patients. Timing for dental operation was 6-30 minutes. Dental healthcare providers wore cloth mask and covered with surgical mask and facesheild in almost cases, except 1 dental scaling case, N95 mask was used. Dental operation occurred in the environment that was shared room with 4 dental chairs. Exhausted air change rate was 4.4 ACH and filtered air change rate via HEPA13 filter was 3.5 ACH.   

Conclusion: From this study, no incidence of COVID-19 transmission was found from COVID-19 infected dental healthcare provider when using the appropriate personal protective equipment even if air circulation system was substandard.


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