Marketing Strategy for the Promotion of Access to Cervical Cancer Screening For The Women in Tambon Naphai and Tambon Ladyai,Mueng district,Chaiyaphum Province.
Marketing Strategy, pap smear, Cervical cancer screeningAbstract
Cervical cancer was the 5th cause of death among women cancer in Thailand .Pap smear was easy method for screening of cervical cancer, early detection to high success cure rate.
Objectives: The objectives of this research were (1) to study correlation between marketing strategy and rate of access to cervical cancer screening, (2) to compare before - after mean of knowledge score and health belief score in study group.
Method: This study was Quasi – experimental research in Tambon Naphai and Tambon Ladyai , Mueng district, Chaiyaphum Province. Two study groups consist of group with 112 cases from Tambon Naphai for marketing strategy and normal group (78 cases from Tambon Ladyai) . There were 30-60 years old women who never had history of illness about cervical cancer or got pregnant. Tools of research were leaflet, document of cervical cancer and interview questions which contain of three parts; general information, Knowledge of cervical cancer and attitude of cervical cancer. That verified by experts and confidence testing by Cronbach’s alpha method. Experimental group with marketing strategy got motivated by healthcare staffs and local volunteers, Individual letter for invite. The period of study among 1st to 31th March 2017. Statistics including were descriptive statistics (frequency, Distribution, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation) and Inferential statistics (Chi-square test, Independent t-test, Pair t-test).
Result: The result of this study showed that , Marketing Strategy can increased rate of access to cervical cancer screening. The Cervical cancer screening access rate of the experimental and control groups were 62.93% and 17.77% respectively. After intervention in experimental group found that ,means scores of knowledge and means scores of health belief about cervical cancer had increase than before (p-value<0.001)
Conclusion: The study result confirms that Marketing Strategy could be applied and used in increasing Cervical cancer screening access rate in the target group. Hence, it is recommended that the model in this Study to be used in another areas in Chaiyaphum Province. We should establish mobile unit to do Cervical Cancer Screening in after work time.
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- 2021-08-26 (2)
- 2021-08-26 (1)
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