Quality of Life of Chronically Ill Patients with Tobacco Dependence in Smoking Cessation Clinic, Chaiyaphum Hospital
Quality of Life, Chronic Disease Patients, SmokingAbstract
The purpose of this research was to study the quality of life of chronically ill patients with tobacco dependence attended smoking cessation clinic, Chaiyaphum Hospital. The sample were 120 patients who can speak and understand Thai language on June 1 June - 30 December, 2017. The patients were devided in two groups, 60 patients in stop smoking group and 60 patients in non-stop smoking group. Study design was comparative study. The data was analyzed by Thai version of the SF-36 questionnaire, explain statistic, percentage, means, standard deviation and independent t-test.
Results: The quality of life of all chronically ill patients with tobacco dependence who attended smoking cessation clinic, Chaiyaphum Hospital were better than last year. The stop smoking patients had higher quality of life more than the non-stop smoking patients in health perception, bodily pain, physical functioning, role limitations due to physical and emotional problems, social functioning, mental health and vitality domain with statistically significant. (p<0.05)
Conclusion: The result of the research use to develop the efficiency of taking care of chronically ill patients with tobacco dependence by multidisciplinary team for 1 year and enhance quality of life of patients.
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