The prevalence of the urolithiasis disease in kidney-ureter-bladder radiographs in Phukhieo Chalermpakiat Hospital, Chaiyaphum Province
urolithiasis disease, renal calculi, ureteric calculi, vesical calculi, urethral calculiAbstract
Rationale and Background: Stones in the urinary tract are a common condition. It is a significant pubic heath problem for the country and is an upward trend in all regions of the world. The urolithiasis is a major health problem in the northeast of Thailand. Many factors including environment, dietary, and lifestyle behavior are involved in the development of calculi. Flank pain, Hematuria or other symptoms are suffered both health and mental status of affecting patients.
Objective: To study the prevalence of the urolithiasis disease in KUB radiographs.
Design: Retrospective and descriptive study.
Study method: We reviewed the KUB radiographs of 5,484 patients between January 2012 and December 2016, at Phukhieo Chalermpakiat Hospital, Chaiyaphum Province. Demographic data of all patients were recorded including age, sex, domicile, underlying medical conditions, initial symptoms and signs, and site of stones.
Results: 1,146 patient of the urolithiasis was significantly higher in male (67.28%) than female (32.72%), with a male to female ratio of 2.1 : 1 and common age group of 51 to 60 years. Patients came mostly from Ban Kaeng Sub-district. The most common underlying medical conditions and initial symptoms and signs were hypertension and flank pain. 70.42% were diagnosed renal calculi, 22.60% ureteric calculi and 6.98% vesical calculi
Conclusion: The urolithiasis in KUB radiographs in Phukhieo Chalerpakiat Hospital was 20.90%. The most common site of stones was renal calculi.
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- 2021-08-31 (2)
- 2019-07-30 (1)
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