The Development of Postanesthetic Care Model in The Postanesthetic Care Unit at Chaiyaphum Hospital
Developed model, Postanesthetic care, Recovery roomAbstract
Post anesthetic intensive cares are necessary in the recovery room, because there are life-threatened risks. So the post anesthetic care developments for quick, simply and save procedure will take the post anesthetic patients to pass the critical periods and save enough for going to wards.
The objective of this study was to develop the postanesthetic care model at Chaiyaphum Hospital. The population was purposively selected 18 anesthetic nurses at the Postanesthetic Care Unit (PACU). The workshop was participatory action set up for development of postanesthetic care model. The outcome was comprised the assessment and monitoring patient, the discharging patient from the PACU and the postanesthetic nurse record. The data were collected by 2 tools 1) The assessment for postanesthetic nursing care pre and post the postanesthetic care model was developed 2) the anesthetic nurses’ opinions after used the developed model. The postanesthetic care model content validity were tested by 3 experts and reliability tested by Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient 0.72 and 0.83 respectively.
The data was analysis. The demographic data was described by percentage and frequency, and also the practice score. The opinions were described by mean and standard deviation.
The study findings were as follows: The postanesthetic care model was developed. The results of the evaluation of the development of the postanesthetic care model are: The percentage of the postanesthetic score of the assessment, the monitoring patient and the discharging patient from the PACU were higher than the pre practice score. The post-mean of the anesthetic nurses’ opinion about the postanesthetic nurse record was higher than the pre-mean. For the anesthetic nurses’ opinions about the postanesthetic care model, they found it modern, clear and understandable. It could be used to assess the complication of the postanesthesia that led onto the risk reduction of the postanesthetic complications.
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- 2021-08-31 (2)
- 2019-07-30 (1)
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