Competency For Development Work Efficiency of Staff in chaiyaphum public health organizations


  • Somrit Rodsomjai chaiyaphum Hospital


competencies, Human Resources Development, Human Resource Management


The purpose of this study are to know the appropriate competencies of staffs in Chaiyaphum Public Health Organization. To know the way to develop competencies of staffs in Chaiyaphum Public Health Organization. Sample was selected from the staffs in Chaiyaphum Public Health Organization, using simple random by accidental sampling. The tools used is questionnaires. Statistics used to analyze the data are Frequency distribution, Percentage, mean and standard deviation.

Results: Competencies of staffs in Chaiyaphum Public Health Organization in general is in a high standard. Considering work competencies in categories is found that Core competencies, Specific competencies and Management competencies are in a high standard. The opinion about the way to develop work competencies of staffs in Chaiyaphum Public Health Organization in general is in a high standard which is higher than assumption made since the manager of Public Health Organization pay attention in staffs who are the important resource in the Organization and have a role in Sustainable survival of the organization. Leading the organization to vision, goal and mission must has staffs who have knowledge, capabilities, skills and work performance.

Suggestion: The organization should focus on type analysis of work of staffs by setting Indicator and standard in each competencies, setting strategic staff development to make staffs workprofessionally. Attention on management system including setting management staff policy
which is consisted with staffs’ missions. Staffs should realize that they should develop their competencies to increase their eX̅pertise and progress their carrer.


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2019-07-30 — Updated on 2021-09-01
