Comparative study of Coagulation result between Point of care testing and automated coagulation analyzer in Loei provincial network
Prothrombin time, International normalized ratio, Point of care testing instrumentAbstract
The accuracy of POCT (qLabs) for measurement PT and INR in patients who treated with Warfarin, anticoagulant medication is unclear. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the analysis of blood coagulation between POCT (qLabs) and Automatic Sysmex CS-2000i. Automatic Sysmex CS-2000i is the analytical instrument that has been used in Loei hospital and POCT has been used in Loei provincial hospital network. A total of 200 patients were included in this study. There are two levels, normal and therapeutic level of quality control substance that have been used to evaluate the accuracy of qLabs for INR measurement. INR levels of the instruments which was set by the manufacturer are acceptable. Comparing the results of PT and INR, there are the correlation coefficient and Intraclass correlation coefficient(r =0.936, ICC =0.966) and(r =0.930, ICC =0.890), respectively. The results showed statistically significant (P < 0.001). The measurement for average value difference of PT and INR between two instruments analyzed by Bland -Altman plot showed that the results are -0.19second and-0.37, respectively. In conclusion, using POCT in hospital network is cost effective compared to using automatic Sysmex CS-2000i in Loei hospital for transferring the patients and other expense from complication symptoms because of anticoagulant medication, warfarin. However, POCT users should have been training in order to know the limitation of this instrument and have the proficiency for the most reliable results.
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- 2021-08-18 (2)
- 2020-08-20 (1)
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