Pre-dispensing error reduction in Olo health promoting hospital, Phukhiao District, Chaiyaphum Province


  • Chanthima Phianthum PhuKhiaoChalermPraKiat Hospital Chaiyaphum Province


pre-dispensing error, medication error, health promoting hospital


Pre-dispensing error is medication error that happen before drug dispensing such as incorrect labelling, incorrect preparation etc. The Pre-dispensing error causes higher dispensing error chance. Medication error reduction leads to safety and lower adverse event medical cost.

Objective: We aimed to investigate incidence of pre-dispensing error and compare the effect of pre-dispensing error reduction procedure in the non-communicable disease clinics of Olo health promoting hospital. 

Material and Methods: This research is action research study that examines the result of pre-dispensing error reduction after pre-dispensing error reduction procedure in the non-communicable disease clinics of Olo health promoting hospital. The data were collected from 1 September - 30 November 2019 to compare with the result of pre-dispensing error reduction procedure collected from 1 January – 31 March 2020. Data were analyzed then presented in frequency and percent.

Results: There were 23.5 pre-dispensing errors per 100 prescriptions. The most pre-dispensing errors were found to be incorrect labelling (11.3 errors per 100 prescriptions). This followed by an incomplete list of drugs (5.5 errors per 100 prescriptions) wrong drug (4.2 errors per 100 prescriptions) wrong quantity (2.1 errors per 100 prescriptions) and others (0.4 errors per 100 prescriptions). After pre-dispensing error reduction procedure, the pre-dispensing error was significantly reduced (p <0.001) to 1.8 pre-dispensing errors out of 100 prescriptions.

Conclusion: The pre-dispensing errors were reduced significantly by pre-dispensing error reduction procedure. The pre-dispensing error reduction procedure should be reviewed regularly. In different contexts, there are different solutions. Pharmacists have an important role in reducing pre-dispensing errors in non-communicable disease clinic of health promoting hospital.


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2021-07-19 — Updated on 2021-08-13




Original Article